Meet The Artists on The Platform

Hello Folks,

Just to take a Moment to again shed some light into what we're doing- Business, yes, not so much as usual!

There's Much Challenge in the world today, yes, whether, we know it or not, like to admit it or not, the world is in Peril! 

Photo: Minister Isaac

Everyone seems to believe they're doing the best they can to "make the world a better place..." Nobody however, or rather most persons are not asking the question: "what exactly is the answer to a better world?" In the least before we jump into this wild chase of making the world a better place... We should understand what a truly "better place" should entail- be like! For Instance is the world a better place simply because things improve economically? Or is the question of a better place "Moral"? 

Photo: Kaycee Humble

When One Considers things this way, you can but wonder, how Musicians and Entertainers fit into the profile of the front-liners in making the world a better place, particularly when one of the most associative trait with Entertainers is whatever it takes to sell a record! While this Platform does not claim to attempt to "make the world a better place", our Management, holds that it is our Moral Responsibility to be on the Side of the one who is Truth: Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

As we have always maintained, being an Artist/Artistry Training and Management Company, as well as Being a Musical Institution, Music and Education blog and website, means that contents sometimes include a listing of musical repertoire from various artistes and musicians cutting across various musical forms, styles, literatures and genres, however every work of Music is sensored especially by their lyrical content, thus, we may not place on this site by any way soever, musical works which contain words which may be regarded as offensive, vulgar, so-called adult-content, or such that may be contrary to the ReHearsal House Philosophy of Music.

Photo: Chrisnee

To this end, it should be duly noted that we are not responsible for your views, we hold for instance, that one is not a Christian because they sing christian songs, so the sheer fact we analyse, critique, rate (even high) and promote a particular piece of Music do not in any way or by any means portray our approval/disapproval or express our views regarding the content of the songs! Ours is Artist/Artistry Management and by implications promotion, our aim is to as much as possible, present the facts (in and of) a particular work of Music, every reader of our blog must (and as we will always remind readers) check out whether it be we or other musicians for themselves and come to their own conclusions whether or not they are sheer entertainers, actors on stage, or such as live in their experiences every line they sing! Again, each of us, is responsible for what we choose to believe. In this regards therefore, our readers are admonished to follow the example of the noble Bereans (Acts 17:11), not only in this matter of musical discernment, but in all things, most especially, the matter of "spiritual survival: the eternal destiny of the soul..." 

To encourage our readers in this battle for life therefore, we have included (by God's grace) the Just Counsel Corner, wherein we share and publish monthly newsletters, Bible study audio sessions and other resource materials for those enquiring earnestly about our faith, our life and our motivation to life.




Introducing Esvee