Hello Folks, Just to take a Moment to again shed some light into what we're doing- Business, yes, not so much as usual! There's Much Challenge in the world today, yes, whether, we know it or not, like to admit it or not, the world is in Peril! Photo: Minister Isaac Everyone seems to believe they're doing the best they can to "make the world a better place..." Nobody however, or rather most persons are not asking the question: "what exactly is the answer to a better world?" In the least before we jump into this wild chase of making the world a better place... We should understand what a truly "better place" should entail- be like! For Instance is the world a better place simply because things improve economically? Or is the question of a better place "Moral"? Photo: Kaycee Humble When One Considers things this way, you can but wonder, how Musicians and Entertainers fit into the profile of the front-liners in making the world a better...